I should let this out.

Have you reached a point in your life where the world of the people you know started spinning around so fast, and then you realized, you were left behind?

Seeing these people close to me switching to a new chapter of life saddens me. It's almost a month since I was considered as unemployed and within that span of time, I've been bombarded with changes. I thought I was able to handle these but as days passed, the clinch got tight giving me that troubled, bugged feeling. My stomach begins to flutter as if butterflies were in it.

Close to the changes, I've been receiving news. Last week, a college friend that I've known for 4 years now, left and moved to Singapore. He'll be working there and after some time when everything's settled, he'll stay there for good. The original plan was me as well, will be staying there too since I have my uncle living there who also promised to help me find a job. But life has these holes where I was stuck... Money. Got no resources yet for my parents had been focusing to make a living to provide good education for my brothers and sister.

Recently, while doing my daily routine of checking my email and logging in to Twitter and Facebook, received another news and that update in my newsfeed shocked me. A friend will be getting married soon. The past months were crucial and full of questions for us (HS friends). We've been apart for years and the hoax of her being pregnant and getting married soon has been going around... And finally, she broke the ice. She admitted everything's true and the marriage will be happening this July 2012!

Another news. Just this morning, I saw a post by a friend on Facebook saying he's considering to enter a seminary and become a priest soon. It's funny that a joke once cracked during our high school days will be brought to reality now. We're in the same circle of friends and to mention, this guy had a crush on me before. One thing's for sure... I'll surely be happy for whatever he chooses to be... and by the way! he just finished BS HRM this April 2012. hehehe.

Life really has its way of turning and twisting events magically, testing one's strength and examining the willingness to carry on and as I finish this blog entry, I still have this feeling of being left out. Their worlds are spinning way too fast that I can't catch on. Maybe my bestfriend is right... I should be patient and I should take this phase to sort things out. My mind is foggy at the moment that I can't distinguish which is which. I should take things slowly or if not, I might enter a door which I'll regret sooner or later. Bit by bit and eventually, I'll be fine...

So I pray to You, Papa God... KAYO NA PO ANG BAHALA. :)

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Claclah: Born of the shower and colored by the sun.