4 years!!!!

4 years had passed since my last blog. I am here again, trying to revive you.

I dont know how will i start this entry. But the mere thought that 4 years had already swung by without me doing any entry is just so overwhelming. Now i am trying to recall what has happened in my life in those years. Gahd. I really do not know. Andami dami dami dami nang nangyari sa buhay ko since then!!!

At this very moment of my life, i am still working  things up. Patching my career to my passion and still trying to figure out how things work in this life.. so deep, but yes. I am in a middle of something. Seems everything is at its extreme points and here i am, you bet, caught in tbe middle.


For now, I'll end this entry here. This is just an introduction of how i am so blown away by time, by the things that is currently happening in my life right now, and by just imagining how i have grown up to be the person i am now, the person who stuggle to catch those flying words in typing this... the person who is very far from the person who she was 4 years ago.... damn.

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Claclah: Born of the shower and colored by the sun.